Why so silent?

A bunch of people have asked me why this blog has been silent since about 2017.

Well, actually, it hasn’t. You just don’t see it because a lot has been happening on the back end.

It’s been an incredibly tumultuous time these past 6 years, filled with some rather extreme ups and terrible downs that could make great content for any number of books and, epic films and documentaries. But this is real life. Not some made for TV mini-series.

Up front, however, it’s a different story.

OK, so what are you up to?

What I can confirm, is that I am still here, doing what I do: Making things and marketing things. And, trading things.

Trading things? Tell me more about that.

My journey into trading began decades ago as a kid, as just another observer on a tour of a stock exchange in the United States. I had the pleasure of walking by the NYSE on Wall Street on a number of occasions in the early 1980s. And I had the privilege, thanks to a stock broker who was a family friend, of having a guided tour and visits to the Philadelphia Stock Exchange in the late 1980s.

Many years later, I would end up marketing trading platforms for various clients.

Some years after that, I found myself trading bitcoin, litecoin, ethereum, xrp and other assets, not just cryptocurrencies, though they were predominant in my portfolio.

As it were, I went full bore into a type of trading that I knew was statistically disadvantaged: Traditional Technical Analysis. I thought I’d found a way to make it work.

Long story short: I found a way to make it work, but just barely, and only because of strict risk management and a penchant for taking profits early and often, limiting my losses, and not being emotionally attached to my trades. Generally speaking, though, it is not a great way to trade, and the overwhelming majority of people using those methods, lose their shirts. And I knew that before I ever tried, because I used to market said methods, even though I was also clearly promoting better ways to do it (kind of a positive foreshadowing of my own experience in re-discovering the wonders of Black-Scholes, volatility trading etc, before I even realized it).

Some years after delving into that method of trading, I completely switched to trading volatility, entropy, probability and statistics (VEPS). I have also co-founded a group of traders (Alpha Trading) that trade using VEPS. Shortly before creating Alpha Trading, a small number of us were in some other related group and figured out how to use volatility tools not only to trade options (for which they were invented), but to also use them to trade low time frame volatility. In other words, we figured out how to scalp delta with volatility, probability and statistics. Since then, we left that othe group and established Alpha Trading. And in short order, we made great progress thanks to our diverse and multi talented team, and our strong, if small, community. We have built the best indicators available to retail traders, directly on TradingView, which is the world’s most popular charting website for assets traded on the markets.

While we do not expect the community to grow very much, we enjoy using the tools and educating people about how to use them, live in our Alpha Trading discord and on video live streams across the innerwebz on TradingView, YouTube and Twitch.

Wait, if the tools are great, why don’t you expect the community to grow much?

Well, it turns out, most retail traders are total degen gamblers. They would probably have more fun going to a casino and gambling on various games and at least getting some cheap or free perks, food, drinks, upgraded rooms and entertainment, rather than just being the liquidity on the other side of the trade.

Seriously, why more people do not spend the time it takes to learn to trade using VEPS, is just because that’s human nature. People do not want to learn things that take time. Less if it may take days, weeks or months to comprehend and put to good use.

So, what are you doing now?

For now, I’m trading and marketing.

What are you doing on the marketing side?

On the marketing end, my agencies continue to run, and we help clients around the world with development (business development and product development), marketing (strategic, and technical) and sales (online, by phone, etc). We have been very busy for some years now, creating use cases for crypto, blockchain, web3 projects, and marketing them. And, we have been very busy creating and marketing strategies, marketing tech and marketing methods for Machine Learning / Artificial Intelligence / Deep Learning as a part of our overall marketing in-house and for our clients. We are in deep, way beyond the retail tools you see commonly referred to like OpenAI’s ChatGPT, or its implementation on Microsoft Bing or even Google Bard. We are talking about and working with firms that use ML/AI/DL at different levels, for different things. Everything from content creation to cybersecurity to building fancy algorithms to create more innovative cryptocurrencies and blockchain projects, to building better bots that trade assets smarter and faster, to managing daycare centers and retiree centers, to preventing road accidents, to creating better, more immersive gaming experiences, to helping manage healthcare plans for individuals and organizations, to helping restaurants and food delivery companies create better experiences for their customers, to helping warehouses manage their inbound deliveries, storage, outbound shipping and deliveries to customers better. The list just goes on and on.

We are working with VR and AR clients and helping them get the word out to the right people, about what they do.

What are you up to on the trading side?

On the trading side, apart from trading, I’m showing people how to trade using our VEPS indicators and methods. I do that for free, because I am sick of seeing Retail Traders Get REKT! because they are misinformed and they use bad tools and bad methods and are statistically disadvantaged to trade. To that end, I have written an authoritative book about trading using VEPS, which I first wrote when I first went full bore into trading with volatility, a few years ago already (in 2020). That book has been edited and recreated and updated a number of times already, with the help of my co-founders as well as some other notable inputs.

And what’s the plan for the future?

The future? Stay tuned.

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